Is it acceptable to wear a short sleeve shirt for business?

Is it acceptable to wear a short sleeve shirt for business?

When the warmer weather comes, people often wonder if it is acceptable to wear a short sleeve shirt for business, or if a short sleeved shirt can be worn to work. The answer to this largely depends on your place of work and it's dress code, however here we will give you some pointers for wearing shirts with short sleeves at work.

Always Tuck Your Shirt In

While a shirt, either long or short sleeved, can be worn untucked for a casual look, and still manage to look smart - you must always tuck your shirt in at work. When buying a shirt, it should always be long enough to enable it to be tucked into your trousers, and not come out when you sit or stretch.

Wear a Bespoke Fitted Shirt

By having your short sleeve shirt made to measure, this will ensure a sleek silhouette, and an overall smarter look. While it should be properly fitted, it should not be tight, allowing sufficient air to circulate for comfort. Choose to have the shirt made from a natural fibre to help with keeping cool. A well fitting shirt will have short sleeves that stop just above the elbow.

Dump The Suit

Suits only tend to be worn with long sleeve shirts because the jacket requires some of the cuff to show. On a hot day, a jacket is less likely to be worn, and so a short sleeve shirt can be worn with formal trousers. Don't wear a suit jacket over a short sleeve shirt, as the arms will not look right. Day to day office work and regular meetings will usually allow short sleeve shirts to be worn, however it is important to bear in mind the dress-code if you are higher up in business or meeting with those in a senior company position.

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